Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Roses and seedlings

Some more pics --im still waiting on more seeds to come up we shall see soon tho just how much is gonna be coming up if y'all wanna know what anything is please ask

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Well we got a bunch of roses yesterday on clearance they look like there soil was bone dry (and being packed in peat moss that's not good) I may next year be able to get seeds or have rooted cuttings from them if anyones intrested in them? Theres a coral one one called peace and 2 outhers along the same lines by colour as those (I'll update with the descript pic/name later) then there's also our mini roses 2 pink a yellow and an orange again may be able to do seeds or cuttings with them

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bit of rain and expected harvest/sale seeds

So it's thundering outside (raining too) so I decided to go outside and get some pictures of some of what we've got (note: this is more focused on the flowers we have I do not know the names of all of them if you do please let me know via comment or email to also note if you would like to request any you may send to that email as well) ok so time for the pics? About all I know are irises columbine petunias peonies and some lilacs that are starting to create seeds

Adding after getting pics up there's also acouple roses my mint pot and my herb window box if you look carefully you can find my outher pots as well (onions figs lettuce and more)

The above image I may decide to sell some of those lilacs there's also what appears a purple columbine in there that columbine is not likely to be sold

That above I have no clue what it is it would be called a weed but it looks kinda cool so were keeping it

Monday, May 21, 2012

Post planting

Ok so I think I'm done with my planting for this year I'll be keeping watch of my seeds as well and will post when they start coming up I have all my seeds untagged (was being lazy) tho everything is actually planted

Somehow my mom managed to steal like half the pots for her rubbish flowers (you can't eat them so why bother?) then also managed to get the peppers she wanted (not the ones I thought could be nice/different) but I did do one pot with my seedlings and some seeds so we have direct compairison store baught to seeds to seedlings and if I get even 2-3 fruits from the seeds (each one) then I'll be happy

So on to the pics? See how much of what I planted that I remember? (flowers I don't know names on most)

There's one that shows 4 of my moms flower pots the 2 larger I planned and planted the 2 smaller one on left has lettuce seeds one on right has a mix of things including cotton seeds money plant and a bunch more lol (like 4-5 things mixed up together lol)

Just another pic of the first set

There's the 2-tier the top I'm considering "unplanted" because the lilacs were not to survive a normal winter here and they were saved because I couldn't stand to watch them get tossed like garbage when they weren't there's also a purple it looks columbine in the top that just kinda appeared so I thought would save it let it grow then take and put it wherever we wanted (that was to survive even in there)

The bottom was another planned/planted by me there's mostly petunias in there (funny cause 2 years ago my mom said she was "sick of petunias")

That's just a mini rose that we got at the grocer it will have to atleast be outside for winter I honestly don't know what it's fate will be or will it will get planted tho

The outher mini rose --same deal with this one as well

Our raspberry plant in a container

We thought it would be something different the neighbor has one that you may have heard me call a weed before that has not only spread into our yard but into our grass as well

This one I'm planning of putting in the garage for winter or somewhere sheltered I'm zone 5 that says hardy zone 4 to like -30 but I don't wanna chance more then nessiary

On a side note there's carrot seeds all along the ring around the strawberry plant

There's the pepper plants my mom wanted --there's sweet bananna mucho nacho and garden salsa all her choosing

On a side note her ideal of a "compromise" is "my way or nothing at all" that's entirely NOT what I know as a compromise but if the tart sod is happy enough to not make fun of me for the stupidest things (like not making some drink) then I guess I can deal even if there not peppers I'll do more then save seeds from

The tomato planter --there's coyote abe Lincoln and yellow brandy wine tomatoes and a lime basil plant all were started by me the tomatoes were a little leggy so I did bury them some (cause they are good with it)

I did also scatter lettuce seeds in the container as well

The outher pepper planter--this one has seeds (in the green trying to hold humidity) and plants that I started --now when one of the plants we baught had buds for flowers starting and these don't I think y'all can tell these are nowhere near as far along as those but it will be fun to see the progress on all 3

My beloved windowbox! Let's see of I can remember everything lol (seeds and plants)

Dill parsley sage (reg and pineapple) rosemary thyme lemongrass lemon nip catgrass garlic lemon verabena garlic chives stevia Greek oregano chocolate mint --hmm there might be a few things I missed? We will see when the seeds start coming up

Onions there's red (you can kinda see some of them) yellow and white I'm hoping I can get some decent sized bulbs from these maby some seeds too? Switch one sets to get bulbs one seeds to get sets? I know we will have a good few hopefully this year lol

Another of my moms flowers there's "snappers" (my nickname for snapdragons like my mom calls rosemary twigs) beauty berry poppies possibly a few things I don't know ATM and a columbine as well

The mint pot --this pot had weeds in it for a couple years it has no drainage (the reason I choose mint) it also had some ashes dumped in it a couple years back but now it seems to have great soil!

Ok do what's in it? There's seeds for lemon mint anise mint peppermint spearmint and lol another mint that I can't think of ATM lol then the plants are --to the left is ky colonel spearmint the top fruitasia mint the right mojito mint and the bottom cotton candy mint

I do plan on harvesting and drying the leaves trying to save the seeds if I can and having tons of mojitos and even teas with these leaves I'm thinking only now *might* I have enough mint

The container itself is not to be near the grass and I won't let the mint crawl down it near what I call too far so that it can't be mint and spread like crazy apart from in that pot lol

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cilantro seed sadness

It looks like there are a bunch of small holes in my cilantro seeds as I have plants I'm not worried about my harvest but I still dont like to see any issues

I tore up the pack and dumped the seeds I have yet to remove it from the master

Friday, May 18, 2012

Some planted

Well my moms beloved bland is starting to take over again we baught some stuff yesterday I also took my seedlings out for there first night (the figs were included in that) so we have some planted some awaiting planting and some fair few we need to buy Oh! Lol and some I need to plant the seeds for as well

So what we have now (planted or not) include
Rasberries (then we know they are good and safe to eat)
Mints (frutaisia mojito cotton candy ky colonel and chocolate that came back)
Peppers (sweet bananna mucho nacho and something like garden salsa)
Onions (red yellow and white)
Geraniums (want colours ask)
Lemon verbena
"twiggy" (rosemary my mom allways calls it twigs)
Basil (amythist a licorace smelling another green/purple mottled and 1-2 seedlings)
Acouple peppers (fish apple and jalapeño come to mind)
Some tomatoes (coyote and abe Lincoln come to mind I know there's atleast 1 more tho)
Possibly licorace mint

Then theres some seeds that I wanna get going as well (some herbs carrots and such)

Saturday, May 5, 2012


So some of you may or maynot know I'm going on about a week long vacation to cincinaitti for this grave digging conference (my moms obsession!) while I'm there I won't have time to work on or with my seed list however I will be looking for cool plants and seeds to bring or bring cuttings of back home (doubt I'll find much)

Due to my uncles killing everything last year then not even offering a single penny as compensation (easily 2-300 bucks worth of plants possibly even more!) my seedlings and such will have to fend for themselves this year the onion sets seem ok outside the figs are kinda hit/miss as are some of the seedlings most atleast have true leaves forming tho (the peppers and tomatoes all have atleast 2 true leaves it looks) so hopefully if I fill there water up and give a light fert (self watering container) they should be fine when I get back? The lights go on for 16 hours tho

Im hoping they really are just fine for the trip --I'm looking to seeds from some and lol fruit from outhers (I'll cross some have some as op and some will even be bagged I have some cool crossing plans that *maby* I can grow this winter? See how well they do? And how they come up? Let the person that can take heat try everything lol