Tuesday, April 30, 2013

First plant purchase of 2013!

As some of you may know I typically don't buy/plant till the first week of June (I've been wearing a halter and hot in that these last few days) even tho I'm in zone 5

My raspberries are definitely coming back my blueberry plant looks like it will as does my strawberry plants look like they too will come back

So the first pic (as I see I have no clue how they'll post on this app) is the purchase and already my mom wants to overtake *my* pots! With her stupid flowers I'm glad she will be eating her geraniums when she can't afford food! And I'll have plenty to eat because I'll have gotten FOOD!

Ok so there's way too many geraniums in there there's also a free wave petunia in there I have no clue the colour

Then the FOOD is (in no order) habanero hole mole hot banana sweet cherry pepperchini big Bertha chocolate beauty (peppers) tomatillo (it was included and I wanted to grow it!) then old German purple Cherokee hillbilly brandywine fanstatic mr stripey mountain fresh mountain spring healthkick (tomatoes)

Yes there are a couple hybrids in there and I'm prolly still gonna be buying more! Certainly have to get my herbs still! Lol so I don't yet know what I'll be doing for spacing or that I think I may sell some of the plants to my uncle tho when it's closer to planting time I just hope like hell they don't die before then lol

I also still have some fruits to buy and I think my winter sewing experiment may have failed tho I have no clue why maby a bad winter? Maby the bottles were sitting in too much water? Who knows? I'll let them stay like that till June tho (and I'll get pics another time)

The other 2 pics are millaegers planters that I really liked and wanted to buy like right now lol I may draw inspiration from them later when I plant everything

Saturday, April 27, 2013

What a night! And some good news!

So lets start with the night I'm expecting worse tonight so I have no clue why I'm even awake ATM but I am --I work 3rd at a resturant that does get bar rush and its MAD! Well fri and sat and I had my first large group which wasn't just 6 the limit I've done 5 before nope it was 9! That was something! The cook aka boss (well assistant manager but details) can really scramble her eggs and I felt like those eggs! Even before the reinforcement came to help by break I NEEDED my break! And the video will show I'm fairly worn out at times but I try to continue on no less!

And I'm expecting WORSE tonight!

So ATM my priorities are pay car then get the htc virgin droid (that had I gone sooner I could have gotten the purple one at 179 now a newer is black and 300 I nearly wanna wait see if another colour don't come out but I've been waiting so long anyway) then maby start looking into classes and planning my garden and sign up for one eighter a base one or something that will get me cooking

So the good news? My rasberries and blueberries are definitely coming back! I only had one blueberry plant tho so ill need to buy atleast one more with pit and dirt and I wanna get a yellow raspberry and a pink blueberry plant as well as a white strawberry plant (no sign if those survived if not ill buy more nothing more then June and everbearing there) I also have yet to see if my mints or much else comes back but I think my cat nips will be back

Ill still have plenty to buy more because I started 0 seeds between the bugs and getting the job but maby ill start some next year? --well no I have the winter sewn but not looked at that stuff lately or at all lol so I can only hope some is alive

Well wish me luck! Ill likely dump a weeks pay or 2 weeks pay into the garden this year but if I buy its all my stuff as it is moms allready tryied her "we agreed every outher year" crap when she can't do shit with the beds she has! If stuff comes back that's fine cause its free but if it dosent then she can't have it if I'm buying unless one MORE pot is hers! (There's allready a couple that are all hers perennial flowers I won't touch them) and I call it crap because it is last year was HALF flowers (just look at the pictures!) and the year before ALL flowers! (That's on the livejournal still tons of pics there too!) so it's not like she gets 0 flowers she has the beds and she still wants *my* containers? Ill have to figure when to water with my work schedule and when to plant and that too but ill have plenty to eat may even take baskets in to my 2 coworkers on weekends or the sort lol I suspect they may like that! Or I could make an herb pot thing mini for inside I have plenty of water beads lol will see but ill prolly be bringing stuff in for them maby 2nd and 1st too?

I know ill need to buy even more pots likely too but I only ever use the clay and yup they do stay out all winter and most of the time no they don't crack unless there too small or something oh and I have to go to that place I don't shop to get a couple herbs as well as possibly another couple garden centres but most will be from millaegers as it allways is! (I love them and working across the street from them kinda annoyies me there not open when I'm up/off lol but ill know about the tent sale and that quickly!)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Current fun!

I know it's been AGES AND AGES sence I've last posted here's some of what's happened:

Joined a swap dissapeared someone claimed they would send an extra pack to me then they decided it wasn't "worth" it that the "gesture" was enough (I live with a compulsive liar words don't mean much after a point) well I'm not pleased (and yet they can re-mail to the person they were assigned to? Or offer to? What they gonna use the "mailmans a theif" excuse again? I emailed the post and they are with me if that was true the bloke wouldn't work there!)
Same swap person assigned to send me something didn't (how hard is it? A stamp or 2 and a card that you can make yourself!)
The host (someone! Lol!) sent a fantastic package that I need to send something *very* nice back as thanks!

With that yup I'm still generally behind on trades

And on that note lol I semi-recentally got a pack that not only did they mark as much as "be careful" (don't have exact words) 2 times but they also paid the surcharge and it looks like it was machined 2 times RUINING something that was in it! I would have added extra bubbles or so then only paid the surcharge if it was past too thick this only proves what I've been saying 1 KNOW REGULATIONS! And 2 they machine EVERYTHING! (I have bubbles with machine markings what they typically charge parcel aka 2x rate for!)

Now lol in outher news I have a job (yup lucky me! Lol) it's got fun people and is 3rd shift which is he'll when like now I should be sleeping and ms 1st shift over there has talking heads so loud across the house I can hear clearly (and hamster cage needs cleaning I'm thinking smaller cage but prolly both need lol) and she seems to think its somehow ok because she is DEAF!

And lol with having the job lol I'm thinking ill just be lazy and "buy" all my plants this year but try to get cuttings and such as possible as I wanna try getting some to stay inside as well as stuff outside and some for the kitchen

I have like 10 pots outside and ill prolly get/rig lights and such (all daylight 100+ watt cfl anything else is sub-par tho I could possibly toss a flood or general couple plants in too for warmth depending) for inside containers then see what I can do with the kitchen ones tho there likely to be in mason jars it's looking ATM

Ill prolly talk more about that plan later ATM I have to pop by the string of swears who fell down 2 stairs and is now saying she could have had a brain injury well she KNOWS what those stairs are like and that's why I'm like never down there (bad scrape on my elbow once) so her fault as she could get it made better as well!

Well night-night everyone! Hopefully ill get to posting more regularly soon? I have a couple ideals which could lead to fun stuff and as I believe in buying more not less that may lead to things here as well? (Ex: $10 a kilo or $50 for 100 kilo even if I only need 30 kilo ill prolly still pay the extra $20 as that over doubles what I'm getting --also note: this ex it's same product and that not competition stuff)

Been a bit

Well it's been a while sence my last post (leaving plant swap because they would rather defend a liar over help a noob) in that time I've found out I'm ultra sucky with money (I can atleast stay above if barely at times but my card shouldn't allow Togo under eighter which helps)

My minds not on the garden ATM if anywhere lol

We actually got a puppy about a month and a half ago (that I've been spoiling sence lol) she is allegedly a boxer mix but they changed there story with her so I really don't know (first we know something now we know nothing so I guess I won't be going back) and I really like her! So I'm getting cord and stuff to make her a fairly strong collar and leash (LOTS have said she looked pit even a vet-emt was adamant she was pit! So if she has ANY of the strength ill need the strong stuff!)

Actually I do love playing with 550 or paracord I may do a couple giveaways or that with it --what would y'all like to see? Anything specific?

I definitely will be doing a garden this year yet again moms starting with her "we agreed every outher year" crap which when it was half flowers last year AND she never bothers with the beds that are ALL hers?! Why should I bother? I work 3rd I'm gonna grow what I want/can afford ill even buy over a few weeks if I must and ill teach the puppy (jenielle or so? I call her Jen or Jen-Jen) as well what she will need to know who knows? I may even bake and give away some dog treats too only time will tell

I still like my job even tho I got burnt a couple days ago and it looks semi-bad it may just keep me out of the back or outher wise being clever till its all healed up because that with heat well I'm no happy camper lol

Speaking I live with a HYPER first shifter I need to get some sleep in soon will see how tricks work out (plus is further into summer means more in tips and I work allmost across from my favourite garden store which I love that too as after work can chill and wait till they open or get before I get to work lol)