Monday, July 27, 2015

Pics from before work

Decided to cheak and water again come morning i plan on getting a bit of a harvest rigging what needs rigging and just truly taking care of everyone so moving pots around too cause everyone was ok where they were before the trip just didn't want anyone to get knocked over and be stuck there for a week 

If you have questions feel free to ask aside I'll try throwing pics on as I did before 

Back home in bad shape

Let me first say this is about my garden that's in bad shape I don't think it rained once while I was out and wilted tomatoes are about 50 times worse then they sound so I'm gonna have to water and fert a bit more coming up once I know my work schedule I gave a quick water yesterday then got some pics so it will look good dirt bad plants but they are perking up a bunch since taking these and some of the planters were nearly bone dry! You won't see that because I don't like to show them like that 

Raspberry is doing well 

Some of the planters 

And I had the order wrong 

Look closely the tomatoes squashes and peanuts all look kinda bad 

Bit more my big tomato has spread some 

These actually look decent 

Mostly showing the goji 

Somehow most of the herbs actually seem just fine 

Except the boxwood basil and coarsican mint I just don't know what they want lol 

Flowers are doing well tho 

As are the turvies 

This one normally gets 0 water past what nature provides looks great to me tho 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Watering between storms

I'm gonna try to just throw about 60 pics on let's see what happens ok? 

Seems well enough just backwards but I still put in backwards so meh there too some older pics too at the end