Friday, February 28, 2014

Another foot update guys

Ok so because I can't get over to my greenhouses (someone said they would clean the area but I'll bet they never did! COMPULSIVE LIAR!) me with my crutches can't get over there so I'm sadly calling everything a loss and I'll just have to buy it all (yes that is actually as depressing as it sounds but I can't get in there I have no outher option) that will easily cost a few hundred bucks no question (and she as typical WONT want to pay a penny tho I don't know if I'll be able to afford any) 

So on the 13th I fell up 4 stairs my foot was annoying but not too terrible she got the swelling down and it only hurt MORE the following Tuesday (after work Wednesday to the rest of the world) I had it looked at because that Tuesday at work it was getting intolerable I am actually on camera limping and hobbling having a damn hard time but still trying to make the best --so x-rays showed a bad break which I thought I felt the chip just didn't feel the total break which also occurred --so the FOLLOWING Friday I went into surgery yup I'll admit I was freaked as it means 0 pay for who knows how long and I need that money (I've been told by ms perfect nurse I don't qualify for disability) so that's bugging me I like having the time off in a way but I'd rather be at work be making some money and such as long as I can tolerate it --so last Wednesday they changed my dressings the Wednesday after there gonna change dressings again and get x-rays see how I'm healing up then maby the week after they'll take the sutures out and I can start some load bearing then or about? 

I'll admit I kinda wanted a cast only because I've never had one but I didn't get that lucky lol --but maby I'm more lucky to not have one? 

Also that Tuesday the person at work that had been insulting me about every time I saw her was actually PLESANT (aka didn't insult me) that was a suprise! 

So here's to hoping everything works out well --we do have the hang tag and Jen seems to know what's going on she is so so smart! I mean granted she is a very smart puppy she seems to know no less 

A few days ago she jumped up on the bed to be here when I came back last night I went to help mom cook and she stayed in a different room the whole time! 

Much better then that nurse I live with who literally stays up my ass when I'm moving and has to supervise me every freaking second! Like I'm some sort of baby then grabs my HIPS when I start to fall --some good THAT does! I know she is "trained" or some shit but she isn't smart and her so-called "training" revolves around use of some stupid belt that *shocked* we DONT HAVE! That's like me cooking pancakes on the grill outside "oh but we cook them on the grill at work" yea but the grill at work we use puddly knives to clean and it has ONE hole not 50! Both called "grill" but both different monsters entirely cooking hash stovetop dosent work the same as it does at work eighter 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Foot update

Ok guys so i went in yesterday to have my foot looked at (my normally bad since of time is only made worse lol) as the night of/before it was really pissing me off at work but for the most part any pain it causes apart from the twinges that sometimes occur I can deal with

So what I thought was prolly a sprain with a chip causing twinges is in fact a total break of one bone 3 pieces one looks like a chip and I'll bet that's the one causing the twinges that I feel it had more pain with the swelling down oddly

So tomorrow I go in for surgery to get it fixed I hope it goes well and they don't just drug me up lol I do have a script for some narc that I am gonna try not to fill

Right now I have a bitch a boot and crutches they say I'll love the boot but ATM at least I'm hating it but that could be because its bulky and shit lol

It has been about a week sence I've popped by the greenhouses I can only hope there doing well

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Good and bad

So I'm a little behind these pics are about 3 days old and last I looked you could defo see signs of germination so on to the pics? (Aka the good news) 

Yup I left the cover on I was trying to be very quick 

After spraying to increase humidity and that in that area 

So as y'all can see some are defo ready to be moved into the red solo cups before they go outside (which will be in a few months anyway) some I need to replant quite badly and some I just need to get new seeds for and totally re-start or just restart from what I have lol 

So part bad news is how old the pics are/the update should have been the outher part is I'm not at work like I should have been because I think I sprained my ankle I did something to it I can barely move it withought pain I also can barely walk on it withought pain it has improved sence it happened which is good I think I just hope I can work tomorrow night because if I can't or am at a point where I don't think I can I won't be able to afford much and I was looking foreward to work tonight dammit! But that was my good ankle --I also got my opposite knee in the process fell up some stairs the knee isn't much a concern ATM the ankle is more a concern to me partly because of how much it hurts *but* if there's any good news it's highly unlikely that I hurt the bone simply because of all the pain (my opposite ankle I chipped the bone at the time I was told I brused the bone but a secretary describing to a doc with a nurse that DOSENT handle x-rays in the mix DOSENT work out well --years later I found out was chipped sprained it drove me nuts took it in old chip or that and that's all I could think of lol-- but that really didn't hurt that much compared err chip to the sprain and I'm defo hoping to get to work yup on it tomorrow I atleast wanna try and I know I need the money tho I'll likely be trying to atleast elevate while I can if someone asks I'll say "I'm doing pretty well for someone that could barely walk yesterday huh?" And prolly make a joke out of it 

So here's to hoping everything works out! 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Some bad news guys

Things seem slightly downhill atm I'm trying to find another job because as much as I love my job I'm just not getting the money I need at my current job and someone's making me dread going there by constantally insulting me every day seems there's something and the last thing you need is a bad mood before working with people I don't know what there issue is but I sure know I'm not like that! I may get bossy but again I am not mean with it! I really fucking hope I can find another job before I end up walking out on that one! --no I seriously have been tempted to simply because of the ONE person coming in at 5-to clocking in then and sorting you're stuff out and counting the drawer at that time ON the clock is just annoying (I get in a half hour early count the drawer get situated and that OFF the clock!) But insulting another employee I really wanted to snap back or something and I really hope the cameras showed that at least that something wasn't right -- really hope the audio caught what was said too

So in more garden news I left everyone open too long and think I lost most of flats 3 and 4 that have sprouted but not established (corn is about all that "may" survive) I put the top back on after watering hope its better then I think as some of those are all I have --but that's why you start early! So if there are losses you can get over them easyier have time to re-start

No worries I'll get back to them and I'll get some pics in time --I also have to get the packs for my valentines stuffs sorted and situated and get them out like my next day out after work (gotta buy some stuff yet)

Well wish me luck especially with finding a job!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Dampening off: intimate detail

Yup I've lost a couple more I left the greenhouse alone so I could get some good tho exaggerated pictures of dampening off for y'all to see --I have treated I treat with a little aldis listerine type mouthwash in a bunch of water often just enough to change the colour of the water 

Looks like another case of "thought pics would be better" that's the cof experiment 

That's where I've put the dead ones even they are suffering the dampening off 

Ok there's the state of everyone before treatment the soil that's nearly black has a TON of water the mid-dark brown I think is good and the light brown has allmost no water --the dampening off is hitting everything but the ones doing best are the ones that are atleast somewhat established --the stuff that's getting hit but not surviving I'll replant when I move everyone over hopefully I can get it cleaned out this weekend but if I know anything that won't happen and who knows what WILL happen?! 

Some basil and a pepper --see how at the base of the stem it dried out? That's I think how it kills you can see above some of my coyote tomatoes have it on there stems and there still alive 

This I think is an extreme example took a bunch of pics normally I spray till it looks better (these are dragon fruit babies) so each single spray I took a pic 

I hope y'all can see atleast some of it fading away? After that I just sprayed a bunch more times 

And there's everyone post treatment --I'm leaving the greenhouse uncovered and the top off on this mini farm thing as we'll better hope moms cat dosent decide to play with anything on me --that would be *very* annoying but she really has no reason to as no catnip in there 

I hope that helps anyone out there with dampening off or seedlings suffering with a fuzzy white mold that goes away when you spray it with water