Thursday, June 23, 2016

Post trip

Back from camping and glad to say my plants are looking good! More could be coming up/such but considering there doing pretty good and I'm glad I watered before I left 

Tonight I'm gonna test a few tinders see what I like/works best it's pretty much gonna be side-by-side I may post pictures don't know yet but I use somewhat unconventional that's not cheap but it's what I prefer so will see if it's based in anything or not --I got some small dishes to hold them while testing too 

Friday, June 17, 2016

More seed progression

Pretty much another pic post I haven't watered much been busy myself but I still have a good few seedlings coming up look closely you'll see them 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Farmers market plants and a couple sprouts

Mostly a picture post -- on Saturday? A few days ago I got out to the farmers market in west allis and got a few more plants namely stevia(!) I also got thyme oregano (Greek) and mint and planted them together 

Here's the new ones 

The herb box --from here I can't easily see if any of the seeds are starting to come up or that but it could be longer on them 

Here's what's left of my seedlings 

The zuichinni look close and you may even see the mound from the zuichinni 

Here's a closeup 

Eggplant don't recall what's growing around it arm 

Spinach seeds 







Friday, June 10, 2016

Added a couple seeds

More a note for me 

I added a variety of poppies to the zuichinni (red grow is what was in it when it knocked over so may/may not show) 

I put some apple pepper seeds in with the eggplant and some spagiti squash seeds in with the spinach --and while it's getting on too late I have some hopes my goal is allways atleast one fruit that I save seeds from because the longer you save you're own seeds the more familliar with what you do that plant becomes or rather that strain 

I also am using some Starbucks coffe (grounds for gardens) as mulch it should add some nitrogen this year and make better dirt next year so I'm eager to see what happens about a week on and all the plants look happy so thats a posative 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Morning pics

Mostly a pic spam today I'm starting to use the "grounds for gardens" as a mulch of sorts with some containers 



The goji that I think is dead --when I replace I'm gonna do a goji a blueberry possibly a pink lemonade blueberry as well know I want 3 fruits in that container tho 

Seedlings and kiwi I have to find a home for in the back 




Eggplant (once they're up and good I'm likely to put in turbines then think I may put kiwi in here) 

This pot fell over in the night I was able to kinda get it back want to plant more poppies in tho to make certain enough come up 


Catnip and sunberries 

Interesting things I'm saving to see what they are 

More sunberries and catnip 

The petunias 

My rasberry (I tied the stalks together and put coffe in the middle of the planter) 


Indigo rose tomato 

Tomatoes (possibly another shot) 

And with that I have to think about work soon and what I'm gonna be listening to being as I'm in the pit lately I think rock is pretty fitting normally I have Pandora on sometimes I'll listen to art bell on u7 

Have fun y'all!