Monday, June 29, 2015

Long past overdue update!

A LOT has happened in my garden so it seems my seeds seem mostly up by now I decided to just pull my cherry and jasmine but the goji is doing incredible I have more then a few flowers on plants and even the start of some fruits that are gonna get harvested in time however I regret not having garlic or bay and I know I have garlic seeds somewhere but not bay 

So on to the pics? I did water with that maricle grow bottle fert sprayer thing (should be able to work out from that bottles come in 4-packs) overall I think it's a neat ideal but the one I have isn't trigger on/off looks like the newer ones are but I haven't tested them with water in them I'm usted to a "normal" hose nozzle once that bottles done (looks like 4-5 uses for me) I don't think I'll keep with it but if I get the bottles cheap Maby (my setup was clearance 5 bucks) 

My moms flowers can't really see the moss roses tho 

My windowbox 

Patio tomato look closely it's turned its easyier to see on the outher but that's normal for the topsy turvies in my experience

There's the indigo rose the twisting I think is far more clear on this plant 

Yay! My lemongrass is germinating! As are a few weeds in there that once it's clear to me what's what I'll take care of 

Watering from top can cause things to spread like this you'll see worse later with tomato seedlings but that's the catnip all of its come back from scattered seeds last year 

Some onions 

My ghost peppers look closely and you'll see flower buds flowers or fruits on many of my tomatoes and peppers certainly great news to me! 

Looks like some shade is helping that Corsican mint I atleast don't feel like it's totally died on me yet the basil as I've said is in there to add shade and being mint I assume it loves water so it's in peat moss I haven't had much luck overall with it tho sadly so we will see what happens certainly 

My mints and I know they actually do love water and normally do pretty well right there oddly enough 

More herbs and strawberries in front (both are flowering ones sent runners and there both everbearing so they will keep producing an overall decent crop thru the year) 

More onions these are mixed with the Jefferson lettuce 



I think these were the peppers I started as seedlings I'm definitely glad to see flowers on some of them! Means fruits and more seeds to me! 

The fishies some have ok verigation and there's even a couple peppers starting to form --I'm likely to save the seeds from "green" and "verigated" peppers only difference should be the colour 

More tomatoes 

Tons of buds on those peppers! And even a couple fruits starting too! 

And the rest of my cherry tomatoes 

Squash and peanuts hopefully my shorter season means the peanuts will take longer till there ready to harvest and I don't loose my zuichinni or spagiti squash 

My like 3 year old rasberry look closely and you'll see there's some flower in there too makes pot look full but the rasberry did that too so I'll likely have to pull that flower later on (like next year) 

Some baby plants (peppers and a nightshade of some flavour) 

Cukes from that grow pod overall I'd say if you have the time and money give them a try mine are growing really well for me and they come in a good starting variety and as mine show stored well they can grow fine a year later (like any seeds) 

Cilantro (only one I got this year) 

Basil *note* this is just germinated I refuse to buy from stores if it looks like this! 

Here's the flattened tomato I was talking about before (catnip) they'll perk right up in a bit just from watering from top with these plants 

Another tomato 

My coyote tomato that *will* live! And I doubt I'll get anything from it in this size pot if I do in saving seeds defo 

Blueberry seems gone but that squash seems to be clinging to life if I can get even 1 fruit from it won't be a loss to me 

Here's another shot of the coyote it's been thru a lot so I'm glad it's still alive 

More onions and lettuce 

There's a big shot of my goji and if I didn't know better I'd say it's really enjoying it! 

However I decided to pull the jasmine and cherry turned out the bottom of the cherry a roots popped to expose water so maby it was still alive? The jasmine seemed entirely dead tho both that I saw showed no signs of returning so I'm trying to save the clovers that were in with the cherries atleast 

And here's another goji shot I'm trying to figure what's growing in there I suspect possibly more gojis (I did put a few berries from the outher plants in there before I baught it knowing they would likely grow being both cheap and evil) this early on they could be a few things so I'm letting them go till I know what they are then I'll act 

And last but not least 

That thing I know for fact there's 1 sunberry plant I put in there and I also put a bunch of fruits in there too 

So seeing as they all look alike and appear to have white flowers the fruit will be green to purple at different times I'm hesitant ally saying there all sunberries and I'll bet from that I'll get some decent production tho I could try putting them in the jasmine pot that will be harder to bring inside which I think I'll have to do with these 

Don't know if I said but I watered and it's expected to storm tonight joy huh? But I think the gardens coming along really really well! Now that I'll likely have only a few days a week again gonna suck with money but will be great for my garden so meh lol ATM I like it have fun yall and feel free to ask about anything 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Reusing dirt:

I personally reuse my dirt as much as possible partly due to my failure rate (with seedlings) partly cause I'm cheap and I figure "why not?" 

I just found some melon growing in with the peppers I started as seedlings and I know it's from my collection somewhere I moved it to another area where I can "watch" it a bit more closely but I think in the process I killed the root so hopefully there's enough and it lives 

Another example is this guy I know the big ones sunberry but I have no clue about the small ones they look similar and I don't know deadly nightshade to come up that much at once in an area (wild around here) so I'm hoping it's the sunberries I threw in the dirt last year 

I've also added some Epsom salts and couple ferts to everyone (well epsoms went to tomatoes and peppers and one pepper looks growing like mad! Like a million flowers!) that's why that tomato is more green from nowhere 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Bit crazy but all planted!

I went a little crazy this year so warning there 

First let's start with these guys: the topsy turvies there fun to grow but there a little a pain too in they need a ton of extra care the one on the left is "patio" tomato right is indigo rose which did the best last year so I think with that mix they will have a good chance but I personally would not put larger then a cherry tomato in there 

The flowers in my moms planter 

My windowbox is starting to break but it's overpacked with dirt the front corners are cilantro middle lemon thyme total middle chives back left-right is Thai basil pineapple sage garden (reg) sage and purple basil (there a little in shock yet I think from being planted they'll look better in a few days I hope lol or likely sooner) 

Those are both onions 

Close is catnip far is ghost peppers 

The cauldrons have lemon grass seeds 

More onions and this has seeds for a lettuce that traces back to Thomas Jefferson as the story goes 

Goji cherries and jasmine last 2 I think are dead look closely you'll see where I scratched off to try to cheak dead or alive 

Coarsican mint and boxwood basil the thing for the mint says "full sun" but my putting it in that it's too much so the basil should provide "some" shade as it grows/spreads 

Maple that came as a "weed" but I'd love to have one so it went into a cauldron for now I'll have fun getting it out when it's bigger lol 

"Blue ray" blueberry was half off at Wallmart so hope it's not a loss 

Sunberries but I think there's a TON of weeds in there too look similar enough I'll wait till I cut them to see 

Coyote seedling and a fruit that I'm waiting to see what it is 

The one on the left is the raspberry that has been like that and is on its 3rd year tho I think I need to clean it out some this year on the right has peanuts in the middle (looks like a month to dry them out I think we can live with that but I doubt we will get the 30-60 per plant (6 plants) that it says I don't even think the container can HOLD that many peanuts! And the sides are zuichinni and spagiti squash they all likely should have more room but meh we will see how it goes certainly 

The grow pods the middle is cilantro and from this year the outher 2 are like 2 years old (maby just last year) from target that ended up at goodwill I now no longer have space to move them when they get bigger but meh I'll work it out by then 

Tomatoes: left is my blue (seed) right is sweet pea currant and back is black prince 

Peppers (prolly overpacked) the tag you see is pepperochini the fruit is on a sweet cherry and there's a fooled ha in the back 

Tomatoes the left is beefsteak right is German johnson  big beef is behind the beefsteak and the last is hillbilly 

Those are all fish peppers the leaves "should" be more verigated but I can't wait to see the fruit! 

All my pepper seedlings the mini is zacory to the right is mini sweet (those mini bells) then right is sweet pepper right (little) marble pepper right carrot pepper last one looks like "chk" so don't know and a couple "unknowns" some also have early signs of flowers too can't wait for the fruit! 

Those are all Mr stripey tomatoes 

Looks like there's a few weeds in there aside from that inside it are those Jefferson lettuce seeds and onions 

Front are strawberries behind that oregano and lemon thyme off to the right is dill behind is Rosemary then stevia and lemon verabena that I have to cut in a bit 

In total there's 1 berries and cream mint 2 sweet mint and 2 chocolate mint and yes it will be a mess in a month or so 

And that covers everyone think I went nuts? Or could I use a few more containers? Btw I used up ALL of my lemongrass seeds and I thought I had 2 more of the turvies the herb/strawberry ones but who knows what happened to them? Being me id think my mom got rid of them 

Meh have fun yall! I've gotta work tonight and now tomorrow sometime so I'll be nice and tired lol