Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Indoor greenhouse set!

So I finally got the greenhouse that a very kind friend got me for my birthday setup (we have another about like it in the attic that I may bring down and clean off) I did change around the directions a little (the top rack should actually be on the very bottom but this worked better for me) 

So now my plan is get some sand and have it in a couple buckets from the dollar store bring my cuttings in and my baby plants aka ones that can't be out for winter --and the goji are half coming in as well 

Also those baby cups (bottom front right) are what I'm gonna try using for saving seeds from this year we will see how that goes much like we will with everything else 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Some ripening

Well I'm well past due for a update even these pics are a couple days old and I have some plans that I gotta get started with too lol 

I'm mostly gonna do a pic spam in a bit I think lol but ATM lol I wanna say I have this very cool looking greenhouse that a friend got me for my birthday I don't quite have full plans for it but I have a couple things I wanna do with aka seed starting and cuttings and I plan on getting sand (from the beach of course lol!) to put in the cups as well and I got some dirt too for what needs it too (potting soil from the dollar store) the cups I have we're mostly a buck each pack which sounded good to me lol I may even get more soon lol 

Ok so spam time? Lol any questions please ASK ok? 

Mint pot 

Herb pot --you can see some need a trim and some will flower soon so ill try to balance both myself

Tomatoes and peppers: look closely and you can see some of what I've allready harvested 

Salsa garden --dill and cilantro don't look too good! 

Tomatillos are going crazy! 

Goji plants (my first year with fruits I'm likely to protect both for winter) 

My cuttings 


My seedlings --still don't really know what is what (winter sewn experiment) but they look well no? 

The stevia plant everyone said to just toss --I think it's doing pretty well 

Zuichinni --it's getting some rejected fruit look like blossom end rot but I'm not too super worried ATM 

I keep forgetting to water these! 

What do y'all think? As I said these pics are a few days old but after I possibly get more cups and stuff today ill prolly start seeding some plants as I get the seeds --I'm allready expecting cherry bomb (hot) peppers and wild catnip may have some banana (pepper) too soon 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A garden update and some bad news

Ok so I think I will start with the bad news just so we can end on a good note 

On Monday morning after I got home from work before I went to sleep (I work 3rd and love it) my mom realised she hadn't seen my cat for a couple days angel who normally comes when I call her didn't respond at all to that so I knew something was up I started looking in her favourite places no signs eventually I look under where I sleep and there she is! Laying still and stiff (I nudged her) 

I still don't feel good about the situation she was like 12-13+ (we got her as a kitten but I don't recall the date) and she was a very smart kitten! So I have no clue on when or why she died but we had to decide what to do with her so we ended up burying her under a rose that we planted "for" her (I have pictures of how I found her if anyone wants to see sakura0garden@gmail.com as well as an approx timeline if anyone can estimate time of death) 

That is how the rose bush looked today while I was getting pictures 

So on to everyone else? 

Salsa garden --have harvested cherry tomatoes and a pepper already! 

My window box and zucchini as well as my goji and coarsican mint (that I put duct tape on the bottom to try to prevent most drainage because the goji can take and the mint is dying) 

The goji alone 

If you look carefully you can even see buds! 

The lettuces that we have harvested none of! 

Herb pot and mint pot (you can see they are both liking it!) 

Tomatoes and peppers: if you look you can see some fruits! 

My cuttings --please note some are fresh and more wilted because of that 

And my rasberry that you can see is starting to fruit! 

So the good news is that the garden is getting very productive and pretty fast to boot! Most of these I should be able to trade/sell some of if asked (feel free to contact me at sakura0garden@gmail.com if interested) 

Also as more good news I plan on getting another goji plant that's starting to fruit and more coarsican mint today as well 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 4th!

Just thought I'd pop in to say happy 4th of July to everyone! Because I work on the 4th this is my 4th and as such I lit up some sparklers even found out that Jen is very smart (corious but if too close she backs away) and you can use one that's burning to start another (its a tricky trick tho lol) 

For those that don't know I am actually a pretty big pyro love fires but much like my being an adrenaline junkie I won't do anything I deem as too stupid eighter so while I could fly down a steep hill above the speed limit even for cars there's a stop sign down at the bottom if I fly past that a car could hit me or if I'm too fast I could even flip over on my bike both *very* bad situations to be in so ill get as fast as I can for the bulk but ill also brake early and such to end up being safe as well --the same is true with my love of fire strangely I don't like it licking me even for a couple seconds so that makes it easy not to be too stupid with it 

However I did learn that while sparklers only last what seems like 20-30 seconds (#s 8 and 10 are what I have) they also make a great flashlight for in the garden! 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Starting to see fruits!

I'm starting to see fruits on many of the plants (blueberry is like frozen tho) 

Ok so I fertilised with some milorganite and watered also I'm I think done planting the rasberry the pot seems more clay like then I'd ever like 

Onto the pics? 

The window box zucchini and atleast some of the goji you'll see the Corsican mint isn't doing as well as it was *but* it still looks like there's atleast 2 plants there to me so I'm gonna water a little more and see what happens there if I have issues ill just call millaegers and ask them what they think 

My moms salsa garden and my zucchini with some of my window box --you can see I *seriously* need to trim the cillantro (and it wants to bolt which I warned her could happen) 

If you look closely you can even see some tomatoes ready to harvest and peppers starting to grow 

The mint pot being well mints lol 

My herb pot if you're wondering about the basil I thought it was super pretty and there was another like that I love the mixed leaves so much lol ill buy pots because there's a pretty multi-one lol I do have seeds from one I have yet to find out how they grow lol 

Here's the tomatoes and peppers maby you can see both buds and some fruit starting to form? 

There's my citronella (I'm planning on trying to get a couple cuttings) 

Some mint and stevia cuttings that I'm rooting

More mint and some lemon verbena and rosemary cuttings 

My rasberry is finally planted! I hope it does well there (that is much larger then what I had wanted but that's gonna be fine I think) 

And here's my strawberries you can even see I'm gonna have a couple fruits from it soon 

So far it's looking like we should get a pretty good harvest this year and ill have plenty of seeds from stuff too I think I will def be making my zucchini relish this year may do a couple different batches (I really love the stuff!)