Sunday, July 28, 2013

Some ripening

Well I'm well past due for a update even these pics are a couple days old and I have some plans that I gotta get started with too lol 

I'm mostly gonna do a pic spam in a bit I think lol but ATM lol I wanna say I have this very cool looking greenhouse that a friend got me for my birthday I don't quite have full plans for it but I have a couple things I wanna do with aka seed starting and cuttings and I plan on getting sand (from the beach of course lol!) to put in the cups as well and I got some dirt too for what needs it too (potting soil from the dollar store) the cups I have we're mostly a buck each pack which sounded good to me lol I may even get more soon lol 

Ok so spam time? Lol any questions please ASK ok? 

Mint pot 

Herb pot --you can see some need a trim and some will flower soon so ill try to balance both myself

Tomatoes and peppers: look closely and you can see some of what I've allready harvested 

Salsa garden --dill and cilantro don't look too good! 

Tomatillos are going crazy! 

Goji plants (my first year with fruits I'm likely to protect both for winter) 

My cuttings 


My seedlings --still don't really know what is what (winter sewn experiment) but they look well no? 

The stevia plant everyone said to just toss --I think it's doing pretty well 

Zuichinni --it's getting some rejected fruit look like blossom end rot but I'm not too super worried ATM 

I keep forgetting to water these! 

What do y'all think? As I said these pics are a few days old but after I possibly get more cups and stuff today ill prolly start seeding some plants as I get the seeds --I'm allready expecting cherry bomb (hot) peppers and wild catnip may have some banana (pepper) too soon 

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