Monday, November 19, 2012

Update and a new app

Testing out a new app (again wish I had blogger+ back) this one has some cool features it claims 

Here's a picture of the birds the blue one has only one leg and was very friendly till we got him his friend she isn't quite as kind and they really don't like being apart but they are still kind --kinder to me I think lol but I do the most to take care of them it seems 

There's some mints I'm trying to root and while they don't look so super good right now I can tell they are rooting how? Well I see the roots forming on them and while some leaves are dying that will actually create good soil for them I think I'm also thinking that I should trim off some more of my mint runners into another bag or maby put them in with the bag that's mostly failing? 

It's her cage you see on the side of the mints there all calling the sewing machine "home" lol (it has a stand that it's hiding in) if y'all can think of a good name for her I'd be glad to hear (same applies to the birds please say which it's for)