Sunday, December 23, 2012

Solstice sewing part 1 (late)

I actually had a terrible day on the solstice really thought things just weren't worth much of anything anymore --I could get into the details but the short version is someone upset me when I was doing something I make no effort to lie that I was upset at the time and my mom was making up some "every outher year" garbage which as she had half flowers last year I don't believe one lick! But she loves to lie --so yea I had 0 motivation to plant seeds at the time

I really should have planted everyone on the 21st or 22nd to get the solstice correctly (part 2 will be the 28th) but I'm hoping things still come out well

So I'm trying to do atleast some aspect of the 4 sides but as I can't yet remember all of them so meh (was just chatting on Facebook that seems to think looking up the list is hard work when they've actually seen how thick a binder of mine is--well there certainly not helping my mood)

So anyway the things I've planted include: roses stevia mint --ATM I still have to plant my "fruit salad" that I don't know what all will be in it yet and the cranbwerries that I've heard are tricky to start and my mom things are grown in bogs only (the water makes harvesting easier) who knows? Maby ill do more non-trees on the next one?

So the reason for 2 is one is the solstice as the shortest day of the year the outher is the lunar solstice so I figure why not do both? And I'll also get more out as time goes on I'm also thinking ill try tomatoes and peppers and such aka what I typically grow lol

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Catalogues and some fun?

So I've gotten 3 catalogues in allready! Which means ill start compiling a want list and trying to sort what I wanna grow next yearar *speaking* I wanna try wintersewing this year Friday the first things are gonna go out is the plan then when it's more winter more will go out 

So some fun? 

I think I wanna do a little contest (I'm out of stamps now used the last ones in the x-mas swap) but hopefully when I get more? 

Whoever can describe and location of the 2 German cards and the orniment I made (plantswap people in cce you are excluded from the orniment you'll see why soon) that's as I see it up to 3 people --ill put together a nice small package for the up to 3 that get it 

In outher news I'm trying to figure how I can possibly make a bedding for my hamster as well save more money if possible maby then get her better food? I know I wanna try to get her a terrifyingly large cage lol and *scared* I even think I wanna put a couple self-contained plants in there too that she can grow and munch on as well I don't know what specifically yet but I'm thinking maby 3 things that may max at about a foot or will crawl around don't mind *very* poor care and lighting may be an issue (I have yet to fully test but I don't think my hamster likes daylight spectrum bulbs) 

Monday, December 3, 2012

A random update and possibly

I've not been too good about updating lately a fair bit has been going on and I've been very bored one of the main things is me and my mom fighting over driving her nimble little Japanese sports car I have also heard much discriminatitory garbage from my mom namely insisting she knows best but refuses to do more then vote and complain to me who really can't do anything and I have actually signed online petitions (I am very anti-gmo and would like true honesty about what's in our food) we all have the power to do something and I'm actually happy with the election results not because the person who refused to act on the petition a million of us signed won but because the person I voted for got the largest vote for there party (yes I voted for Gary Johnson the few things that I don't nessiarly have views on I can understand his positions)

Now then this is a gardening blog I don't want to start a political war lol

I do have to try to find a couple pictures to print for a contest I'm in (well kinda lol) and I'm gonna see if I can't do my own contest in the next one I'm in hopefully it will be as fun as any yet maby even more fun? I do hope to host my own contests in time and I plan on putting down all criteria as well (example: if its a photo one I won't let anything blurry or out of focus get in the running no matter how cool an image it is --I was in one once and some so called "pros" let a blurry picture get number 2 I'm still pretty upset by that when my pic and many more were clearly in focus and mine was even a true macro) I will likely be picking stuff I'm apt to know something about and I may even offer pointers as well so people can improve too because unlike the outher place I want people to actually STAND A CHANCE! And after the first ones people may see what it's like

I did buy a rosemary plant from a store last week and it seems to not be doing too well I'm hoping it being in my moms room will help some? It looked ok but it dosent look too well now hopefully it atleast survives the winter

I also have my bagged mints another one seems to be stinky/failing but the rest seem ok and rooting very well but I did find what seems like aphids or something small and green on the plants that wasn't leaves so I put a little dawn in there found a hole and re-packaged it (also poured in some sevin) then too because I've been dealing with fruitfly things I also added some sevin to my spray bottle and I watered my plants I may have lost a couple small peppers as well but most seem atleast "alive" which is really all that can be expected at this time of year --it also looks like the orchid I left the flower spike on may bloom again soon it atleast looks possible this is barely 6 months after I got it!