Monday, July 28, 2014

Packing for another trip

This is my first post in a bit and likely my last for a bit as we'll --we're gonna go camping up "north" we'll it's north of us lol

We have actually gotten 2 cherry tomatoes and I'd even hazard we should have some good production after we get back from the trip 

If you look carefully I've TONS of tomatoes and a bunch of peppers scattered I should have zucchini and spagiti squash starting semi soon 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Pics and DIY testers

Some of y'all may know I love making things getting clever and all that so that I'm making a sugar coffe scrub and a bug balm that will keep the bugs away from what I grow now I know some of the things I grow are good for  keeping bugs away 

Ok so let's start with the older pics and go from there shall we? 

There's a tomato! And many more scattered in my gardens too! 

Cilantro that's starting to "bolt" or flower ATM I'm picking off the flowers but that's all it's gonna wanna do

I really hope this recession gold picks up and gets at least 1 fruit by winter! 

There's some on the indigo rose! 


I'm trying to make a compost tea from some of the coffe grounds 

Only some of what I grabbed for the bug balm that I'm gonna prolly add some beeswax to see if that helps it do what I want it to 

Think that's enough for now? I hope so because I think I'll have a crazy work week coming up --have fun!