Thursday, February 26, 2015

Another seedling update

Heads up everyone's oriented correctly as im looking maby not by pics 

Whoose up and not pic lists y and n after name ok? Start easy the little S will be signs aka roots no seed leaves

1-1 Apple pepper s 
2-1 zuichinni blend n 
3-1 spagiti squash y 
4-1 sugar Apple n 
5-1 red cherry n 

1-2 flowwrong cabbage n 
2-2 orange n 
3-2 honey orange n 
4-2 yellow cherry n 
5-2 fuiji Apple n 

1-3 honey Apple n 
2-3 Melrose Apple n 
3-3 goji y 
4-3 Kalediscope carrot y 
5-3 lemongrass y 

1-4 lemon cuke y 
(Rest or row is grapes no sign) 

1-5 unk pep s 
2-5 unk cherry n 
3-5 Greek oregano y 
4-5 garlic chives y 
5-5 onion chives y 

Pic from before 

And everyone oriented correctly so let's start! 

1-1 tulsi basil n 
2-1 coyote tom n 
3-1 coyote tom y 
4-1 sunberry y 
5-1 sunberry n 

1-2 yellow chamomille s 
2-2 striped pepper tomato y 
3-2 pineapple tomato y
4-2 carrot pepper y 
5-2 pepperochini pepper s 

1-3 savory pepper y
2-3 doorknob pepper n
3-3 hot cherry bomb pepper y
4-3 sweet cherry bomb pepper n
5-3 Peter pepper s

1-4 sweet datil pepper s
2-4 mini sweet pepper s
3-4 marble pepper y
4-4 fooled ja pepper y
5-4 frying pepper y

1-5 beefsteak tomato y
2-5 blue tomato y
3-5 abe Lincoln tomato y
4-5 tomato mix s
5-5 pineapple sage n

1-6 borage y
2-6 fordhook basil mix y
3-6 stevia s
4-6 carob n
5-6 Rosemary y

1-7 lavender y
2-7 thyme y
3-7 chives y
4-7 cilantro y
5-7 basil y

1-8 window box mini basil y
2-8 dragonfruit n
3-8 fordhook mint stick zinnia mix y
4-8 Chabaud carnation y
5-8 oriental poppy mix y

1-9 Swiss shard rainbow mix y
2-9 snapdragon mix y
3-9 doublecpeony poppy mix y
4-9 Chinese lantern n
5-9 old Mexican zinnia y

1-10 sweet pepper s 
2-10 moon flower y
3-10 aloe y
4-10 strawberry y
5-10 basil y

Now considering most of these seeds date to 08 and a couple even date to the 90s (I think Rosemary and one outher) aside from that think I'm doing pretty good? Some stuff ive really never had much luck with and there up now (the lemon grass comes to mind) outhers are still not up (tulsi basil and sugar Apple come to mind) hopefully they come up soon or I'll have to give up entirely I think my little tree that's been confined it's whole life could use a buddy which is part of why im trying so many fruits another is that I actually want the fruits to grow! 

Ok I think I'm gonna plant the couple stragglers then go shovel wish me luck on not killing them! Have fun yall! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

More seedlings!

Yay! Most of my seedlings are popping up! 

There's the big flat peppers are even starting to pop! 

And here's the little one! You can see a bunch of them are up as well or about to pop up 

I really can't wait to get in the garden this year! I'll transplant these as I can and as they need and at that point I'll get everything named too but for now WANNA know ask and I'll look it up ok? 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Seedling pics!

Decided Id better look at my seedlings and it looked like a large number were starting to come up so I took the dome and plastic sheet off of the tops of the trays there still in the greenhouse all sealed up THO 

Big one reg mostly tomatoes that have come up and you can see they've gotten pretty leggy in the week or so sence I planted them so once there's true leaves I'll bury deeper when I replant 

And I turned it around so the leggy are more likely to get more light as well 

And my little one was like caked in mold luckily I have some aldis listerine that I mix with water 

That's after spraying all 4 sides but it looks like most will in fact try to come up on me and grow some of the seeds it may take a few years to get production from and I can only hope the fruits still taste good by then 

Here's to hoping for the best guys! 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Finished with that wave

Ok so I figured what I was gonna put in the last 5 (remember im planning on doing another 50 cell in April) 

In the order they appear in that flat they are: sweet pepper moon flower aloe strawberry and basil however these are all from DUNECRAFT which I think we have established means they won't be too likely to grow that well at all! 

And for you're viewing pleasure: a panorama of the big one 

When I was letting them expand I felt like I had to punch them a bit to get the right size I didn't measure the water just "a bunch" lol so that may be part atm I don't think extra is needed as only waiting on the seeds to PPP then keeping humidity while venting more and more and still maintaining light for everyone as they grow will become the challenge atm no clue what I'll do 

In the "daylight"

Couple quick pics hoping I have everything pretty well situated thinking I should put tin foil on my light to boost how bright it is lol 

I know kinda messy and the sun just fell spooked me think it wants the tin? I thought it was pretty secure where it was? 

So anyway of those the goji is definately alive I really can't tell on the cherries I think one might be and ones gone the star jasmine I honestly don't know about eighter hopefully come spring they will all be alive and well! 

How the light was looks kinda dark in the back (on right side) to me heating mat is under big one only 

Both greenhouses

And after adjusting the light before it fell 

Sorry there both sideways but that's the packaging on the big one and like I said I still have 5 more spots to fill 

And there's the little one it has like a sheet of seran wrap made of veg oil or something that goes on top it also comes with some sort of fert "enough for a reg flat" so is that 72? Or that container there? Meh im gonna use it on both once most have popped up and because everything comes up at different times ive gotta let majority rule for when things move foreward im defo starting to get excited here! Can't wait till these are up and out then till I can plant them! GONNA be exciting atleast but may be a week or so till they start to show themselves and APRIL is prolly the soonest I can see what made it outside 

Some stuff I know I'm buying (because I do every yrlear) mint mint and more mint lol lemon verabena Rosemary maby lemon balm prolly stevia (very slow grower and seeds aren't consistent to sweetness) bay possibly sage (reg/such not pineapple) 

Im also GONNA have to keep up with harvesting and drying hopefully I can do pretty well so when it's time to use there still in good shape be it in bombs or food but we will see how everything progresses that's for certain and I know im going to airventure this year! Im still wondering if I should take the d80 (which is now officially my camera) for the night airshow or not we are thinking atm we will overnight the pups a couple nights out there and explore ourselves on the grounds some as well were planning on getting there Monday leaving early having the car pretty packed beforehand aside from a couple last minute things --can you tell im excited about that? Lol she knows I know my way around yea I'll still use a map but I'm learning it lol were prolly packing our normal fun and were hopefully gonna go camping a few times before that we even have a favourite site at bigfoot and that gives me a chance to test out some stuff as well 

I wanna try making a hand sani type lotion (seriously Id buy it if lush made it! Ive suggested it to them) hopefully a better version of my bug balm that can be used easily (herbs beeswax and like Vicks but not smelly that same type of container THO) maby even my own bug spray as well 

And another project come APRIL is re-doing my car more/less I have 2 seat covers that match my wheel cover I also have 2 stickers that I gotta place on windows most likely (easyier to replace a window then grind off paint if they don't come off well) but with the amount of blind space I have to be careful with where they go if I use both and ive got the floor mats that match too with the wheel and seats (yea I'm crazy lol) there all the Paul jr warrior design it I think kinda works with my titanium car I think if it was an et (alien) as much as I like the colour that would be "too much" this just adds a little "sparkle" lol and I have to do a new inventory/restock/resort what's in my car as far as main gear goes because my mom has to keep 50 million of her buckets in my car leaving me no space I know right now I need another energy drink in there simply because I used the outher one up tasted kinda nasty having been frozen a few times (Gatorade) but it served it's purpose to keep me shoveling 

Another thing is this year my mom hopes to get a new car this is about the year hers should be dying but she has been driving mine all over creation so that could be fun trying to find what works in her price range after all im the reason she got the corolla sport not just any old Corolla colour isn't a huge thing but nothing obnoxious lol the grey worked and in my case that was all they had THO I'll admit I may have paid a little more for the et because I love that colour I do know if she gets a Kia im buying her a paint pen right away there not perfect on my scuffs but they look a bit better then they did (used car GONNA have that stuff) 

So now that ive been 8 places and still have to fix the light any thoughts/questions/such? Any suggestions on what to grow? 


Ok seedling but it's my first one in like forever huh? 

I know my first seedling start dates coming up (I sometimes do some in the dead of winter cause I need greenery so jan or so but this winters been so screwy! It's like it recently just started! So I had a semi sudden urge to plant and plant I did! 

There's some of the setup while I was doing the first test and I still have 5 spots not filled in it somehow?! So I'll have to work that out as well as a side effect of me being tired/worn out a couple did get double planted but "meh" we will see what happens when they start to come up and because a good number of these can be seen as older I did super-plant some as worst cases are I have 0 or I have like a million which lets be honest here: not all will last till June 

There's the big flat and in no order (ok there is one but atm don't matter brownie points if you can figure what it is) tulsi basil coyote tomato sunberry yellow chamomille striped pepper tomato pineapple tomato carrot Nepper pepperochini savory pepper doorknob sweet pepper hot cherry bomb pepper sweet cherry bomb pepper Peter pepper sweet datil pepper mini sweet pepper marble pepper fooled ja jalapeño frying pepper beefsteak tomato blue tomato Lincoln tomato tomato mix pineapple sage borage fordhook basil mix stevia carob Rosemary lavender thyme chives cilantro sweet basil window box mini basil dragonfruit fordhook peppermint stick zinnia mix Chabaud carnation oriental poppy mix Swiss shard rainbow mix snapdragon mix double peony poppy mix Chinese lantern old Mexico zinnia 

That's a bit huh? I really hope most or even enough survive I do have some quicker germinating in there cause it keeps my hopes up while I'm watching and waiting 

Also im trying borage last time I had it was I think the year before I had my livejournal blog and I know it in my little ecosystem and I had aphids I still got decent production and that I could tell they were just on borage and tomatoes nothing else I got extensive pics with my d40 so I know it will be able to get them ides lol if I am wrong but the reason I'm willing to try is they seem to love my goji as well and I think there pretty under control inside atm 

There's the little one fully planted 

In no order (ok same as before) Apple pepper zuichinni mix spagiti squash sugar Apple red cherry flowering cabbage orange honey orange yellow cherry Fiji Apple honey Apple Melrose Apple goji Kalediscope carrot lemongrass lemon cucumber scuppernong grape concord crape unknown pepper unknown cherry Greek oregano chives 

So whatchall think? Anything else I should try? The hard part will be hardening off for me but all in time huh? Right now have to find 5 more things and try to sort what to put in my outher planter have fun yall! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

More experiments and General update

So this is gonna be another soap post for the most part 

It's about time to start planting so that's gonna be fun figuring what and where to plant the seeds im gonna try growing this year I know I wanna get some that can go into bombs and fun and that that im making 

So onto the pics/comments? 

This is a massage bar tin the bkg is my pudding knot wrap it's for most of these pics this tin hasn't been used much lately but will be fun to use later 

My snow fairy sparkle massage bar I actually got to test with something I had in mind and it worked really well! Was this and first snow on my body for a pretty light shimmer and it was perfect! 

My favourite shampoo and one of the reasons I wanna learn to make stuff --the one on the left has 2 mixed together after one broke right shows tin normally and bottom is unopened bar 

Squeaky green shampoo bar that isn't as super a cleaner as it claims but it's still a fun shampoo 

Lush fun back is vanilla gold is "honey I washed the kids" which is a holiday only 

Snowman --this is something I love! I'll explain the Orange one a bit more later 

Aqua mirabalis I still have much of the fun mixed one but I do really love this thing! 

Oddly I love my no drought dry shampoo! Does really well to look cleaner as long as hair isn't ultra dirty

Lotion from retro that I still haven't tested yet odd huh? Im not big for using lotions but as my hands are starting to get bad I think I'm more apt to need to use one 

Karma komba shampoo bar works decenty I think 

Again im trying not to ruin the colours too much I think this is a bit tough for my skin feels like little burning cuts but if I mix with a soap that ive expanded with water ( I use shark fin) it's a good cleaner for my face 

I haven't bonded as much with this deordant and think I need to figure outher uses its a bit too green for me 

Here's the first snow I mentioned with the snow fairy sparkle I could see some sparkle in the left when I took the picture and I hope you can see it has a made by/on sticker most lush things that are packaged have these if it would be naked in the store THO there isn't one 

Celebrate and charity pot lotions the back charity pot has been semi leaky which is why it's in a ziplock and some of design has come off its the old one the front is new --celebrate is actually a yummy smelling one 

Ive only really tested this once but I love the smell! But I love mint and this works wonderfully that I can tell 

Here's a chunk of the samples ive gotten some I like more then outhers --but someone mentioned melting down the soaps to get a bigger piece and I think once I have a bit more I may try that see how it goes for me 

Now shall we get to what ive done? This is another attempt at something like world peace bomb almond/citrus/mint and it's as nice as it sounds! 

I said I'd get back to the Orange? I made one into some fun then coloured it orange cause I could (and I didn't have black) that's 2 seperate batches that I did but works just like the real snowman oh I love how smooth it is! 

Fae ring it's not ultra sudzy but I still kinda like how it works and it's "fun" smells neat too 

Yog nog works just like the soap itself and smells divine! Oh I love this! 

Celebrate (made it a light golden to play off the light gold on top of the bar itself) 

Been wondering about the red? This is how I store mine wrapped in seran wrap wrapped in itself and in a ziplock in this case the big ones rose the little citrus tea tree but it's "fun" to play with no less 

Got this quite a bit ago (when retro was going away I got a bunch) I rather like this works well as a body wash I think and it works well on my face too 

Face wash and one I really like expires in a month or so but GONNA be used till its gone because there's still a TON left! This ones a special winter version of angels on bare skin which I love too 

The "new" shampoo bar as ive stated im not a huge fan but I'll use till its gone no less cause I can 


Oatfix 2.0 I think I prefer this one atm atleast to make it I took a small chunk of bananna set it to the side then cracked out my mortar and pedestal (tip: look at ikea if you need one) ground up some almonds "for the most part" then did the same with oatmeal this won't be perfect so don't try to make it only "good enough" I then added the bananna and mashed in added some honey and mixed it too in then decided I wanted cinnamon and coconut oil in there too and because it's pure food im not afraid to taste it too! 

This one goes on a little thinner then the powdered worth trying both seeing what you prefer youreself 

This is my teo it smells divine! However ive found using a brush is easyiest way to put it on which is a good chunk of why it being broken DOSENT bug me at all 

And some more fun the red is about a year old the green 6 months or so (said to last 14 months or so but I'll keep and use till it seems like it's no longer as good as it should be) 

We'll have fun! Any questions feel free to ask or anything you think I should grow let me know!