Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Have some small plants to trade/sell

These are mainly for trade tho I may sell them at 2 a pop plus postage I think ($2)

They include (all rooted!)
Greek oregano
Stevia (there might be)
Mints (possibility of ky colonel mojito apple cotton candy or fruitasia)

I'm expecting my Basil's to start flowering soon and I should also be able to harvest my catgrass seeds soon I'm also thinking of pulling out the (possibly failed) fig experiment I don't know what yet to do with that pot but I know it has poor drainage and may be coming in for the winter

I did apply some special herb fert and I'm hoping that means that my cauldron will go bonkers soon as I'm wanting to start to train the rosemary it dosent really seem like anyone has gotten too much larger after I planted them in there but time will tell lol so lol

If you see anything you'd like to trade for or buy most should be options tho there are some I will flat out refuse unless there's something really rare that I really want then maby I'll offer some --Anywho contact me!

Another possible new feature?

Ok so come when my cauldron is all planted I plan on featuring a plant a week with info about and such the ones I've grown I'll have my pictures with a description the ones I haven't I lol just have a description based on what I can dig up for info (yes even the "common" ones will have a description as best I can do because what I know as one thing someone else may know it as something else)

Well what would y'all think if I started a "dirt cheap" recepie thing too? I feel I must say first that there are some basic cheap things that I try to keep in the house also in this it means both using what we have and what's in the garden as well

A perfect example of this would be
(add picture that I didnt save here)
The sweedish meatballs that I made last night we had a lot of stuff actually and I had a fun challange making it from what my mom called "nothing" as well

So what I did? Boiled noodles then in our adonized wok (we have all adonized I love them) I sautéed onions and bananna pepper chunks with butter once those were done I added in the sweedish meatballs put a cover on for a bit (the point is to start the cooking of the meatballs that were frozen) then I poured in maby 2-3c milk (I like never measure) added in 1/3 c hella good French onion dip and 1t heaping horseradish I also added in some feta (1/8 c?) mixed and tasted after a bit I then added seasonings (beef bullion powder penzeys buttermilk dip and another chip dip) I also added in parmasean cheese let it simmer with some cream of tartar in there serve over the noodles and enjoy

This made a nice big batch I think but it worked well as a single large serving for 2 people

I personally love penzeys spices and will likely use them a whole bunch as well everything I used was stuff I allready had in the house

So what do y'all think? Something to keep? I'll have to get more pictures of what I make and all I personally do my best to mix health and taste which means if I don't know or like something I dont use it but I also wont stop y'all from using it

Monday, July 30, 2012

A small harvest

Well I got outside and got a small harvest I also decided to pull up the carrots too

Some stevia


BBQ rosemary

Lemon verabena

Leno catnip --I have yet to see if the cats like this

The cauldron --it's got mints rosemary corsian mint thymes garlic and sage I'm hoping to get some rooted lemon verabena or I'll just pull my plant lol out it in I'm also waiting for my holy basil and lemongrass to get large enough to be transplanted into there

My windowbox as you can see everyone's growing really well! I'm hoping to have seeds from a few of them soon as well

I decided to pull the carrots from my pepper pot because I thought the carrots were taking too much sun from the peppers that's how the pot looks now

I'm hoping that by keeping the carrots in water with fert I can get them to grow a bit larger

And the harvest from today as you can tell the carrots are *very* small there's also tomatoes and peppers I should have seeds from them soon

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tomatoes starting to come in

Got out and got some pics yesterday I plan to update with more/better in the morning or sometime tomorrow

We are starting to get some tomatoes in I'll be saving seeds I even got some dish detergent to quick process tomato seeds I'm also gonna be harvesting some carrots soon I think we also have peppers coming in too

There's the corn I honestly don't know what's going on but I'm gonna leave it go hopefully it's close to starting to produce ears soon?

The windowbox both kinds of catnip and a few Basil's are starting to flower

The goji it outgrew it's last steak so I rigged up a new one that should work for a while

The cauldron

The mint pot there's more going to flower soon hopefully I'll have seeds from them that will grow in a couple months or so?

There's some seedling peppers and carrots that may be about ready to harvest soon lol

The apple peppers

The tomatoes as they were there really starting to come in I think

The rest of the pics and some roses from today

Friday, July 20, 2012

After the storm

As some may know there's been some storms here lately hopefully we do get more rain

I'm also thinking of featuring one of my plants a week and trying to get as much info as I can about them posted most of the growing will be from my experience where the usage will be from research (I'm into Medicinals and the like) how's that sound? Eventually doing one a week I'll get into things I've never grown but I may find some cool plants as well out there I am likely to use wiki and my iplant app for info as well as whatever else if I question something or another

So on to the pics?

My corn --it's doing so much better then I expected it to do! I actually think I will get a harvest from it this year!

More corn you can also see my windowbox and the climbing loofah that the watermelon is blooming (if you look carefully) and the side of my goji pot

There's more the windowbox (some corn and possibly a little loofah)

That windowbox has (no order) sage Thai basil purple basil catnip lemon catnip catgrass lemon verabena garlic (growing as chives) chives lemon thyme stevia orange thyme BBQ rosemary parsley cilantro rosemary chocolate mint Greek oregano possibly more? In it

My goji and my tropical pots yes there's rosemary and basil in the goji it appears the corsican mint that's a full sun plant seriously hates the goji pot so I'm using it to root whatever will root in it I'll get the mint from a more reliable place next year unless someone has seeds or an established cutting they can send me?

The cauldron and yes the orange thyme isn't going that well but some is alive yes too I did pull the lemon verabena because it didn't look like it was doing that well so I decided to try to get new cuttings rooted not far from momma hoping that will help and then I can move them to the cauldron

Strangely tho the corsican mint I put in here is actually doing half way decently --it's still dying but it's going slowly enough that I think it might actually come back and live

The start of my 2 varieties of holy basil and lemon grass plants of which some will be moved into the cauldron

The onions yes I cut the tops offa some I'm hoping that will get them to send out better stalks one of the bulbs was squishy and full of maggots tho! (or something that looked like maggots)

Yes there's water in that and some outher pots some drain pretty slowly because there right on the ground and only have a single hole

Rasberry blueberry baby and geraniums I think they are lol

Strawberries mostly petunias and roses

Lettuce and some flowers about all I know anymore is there's cotton and broom corn in there

Peppers flowers and tomatoes

Tomatoes and flowers

Flowers tons of carrots and some peppers are hidden in there

Half-sharp apple pepper and it's first fruit starting to grow

More flowers --there's a celosia hiding some snappers and a marigold all that came back from last year then there's also poppies and some outher stuff lol

My mint pot that's about a 14" pot (it's a little larger then the 12" that I have the corn in) you can clearly see 5 types if you look closely you can see all 6 (the chocolate is hard to find) it is due in for a major trim but because they are blooming I can't trim them just yet as I wanna try saving some seeds this is why they say to contain mint --I once had only 4 plants in a pot about the size the blueberry is in 2 chocolate and 2 orange and they looked easily as bad as these 6 seperate types do in here! I personally love mint and I knew going in that they would overtake --did I think it would get this bad? Possibly on some level but I wasn't aware of it will that stop me from growing mint again? No way will it! Plus the strains vary slightly from year to year one year my chocolate mint looked a little more like spearmint last year the mojito mint had no signs of runners (the first time I'd ever seen that in a mint) this year there were signs there would be runners