Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Some planted

Ok so sence I have to get some sleep before work I'm mostly gonna post pics ill get tags with in another post later (once were closer to done planting everything) I know I still have plenty more to buy tho and its also very early yet to be planting (around June 4 my average which is my birthday) also our puppy broke a clay pot luckily not a planted one but its still annoying I think 

So right now we have tomatoes peppers zucchini and even my moms Mother's Day gift planted (a salsa garden) I have to finish my window box and get a couple fruits and that I'm even starting to debate switching from clay to plastic for some pots just cause the puppy who is afraid of water may break them (and they can break by themselves) 

So on to the pics? Again if you wanna know what anything is just ask (describe what pic/pot/where it is or that) 

This is different for this app! 

Ok so this is just an example of what I look for #1 is the top that its bushy and not too leggy or that (this ones a tad leggy) and roots I actually like a little rootbound about like this I wouldn't go much further tho 

Another plant but that's what happens when you shake the rootball it looks nice and loose 

There's the container the puppy broke! As you can see no chance for repair we also got a hanging basket to have that strawberry in that it needs to get moved over but I can only think of one way and I need a board (flip on top then dump into new pot) 

Ok so here is the mint pot (no signs of anyone coming back but still early so if they do they have a chance still) ATM thats sweet mint but I was gonna get chocolate orange mojito ky colonel grapefruit and whatever else I can (apple too maby hopefully more too) I am a mint ADDICT! And I'll admit it! But it gets tight with just one pot (also we may add drainage to this pot this year) 

Here is my moms Mother's Day gift (we talked about it and this is what we agreed on) it's a salsa garden there's 3 tomato plants 3 peppers 2 tomatillos and 2 herbs (dill and cilantro but I think she was thinking dill was rosemary or chives or "something else" lol) 

Here is my zucchini and my windowbox the zucchini is so I can make relish (oh I LOVE the stuff! Way better then anything in any store if you ask me! And a batch can last a couple years!) then it looks like my catnip plants will be back (still a little early yet) so I left them alone as much as I could but there are 5 tomatillos (1 pack had 2 another had 3) some lemon balm lemon grass pineapple sage and walking onions it's not even half full yet I plan on getting some rosemary maby another sage some lemon verabena possibly (just cause I like it lol) basil and who knows? Lol 

The cauldron with garlic as chives oregano (in the bag from Craigslist) and moms flowers that I think I paid for for her! But meh she got the pot and dirt 

As I've said it's early! But I think I have some basil coming up so I'm just leaving that alone long enough that I can see yes or no 

Tomatoes (ill name them later) 

Peppers --I'll name later but this pot has a jab and a couple outhers I "mixed up" a pack and used it in here 

More tomatoes! Naming later 

Peppers! Naming later 

Tomatoes (naming later) 

My everbearing heritage raspberry in the same pot it was in last year (thinking it would benifit a larger and plastic pot) I'm also thinking I want a yellow raspberry too this year 

Here is my blueberry --I'm thinking ill buy 1-2 more this year including a pink one as well 

And that's what's happened with my winter sewing attempt clearly I failed pretty badly but atleast something's coming up with some of them! So time will tell on them like what they are and that ill prolly have them in for winter but will see 

Well I need to crash as I have to work tonight --will see how things go and don't hesitate to ask questions or that 

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