Friday, November 15, 2013

I think the season is over?

Well were gearing up for Black Friday and my phone recent ally died on me leading me to get a burner but that's beside the point 

This morning I was let out really early and I got home with a little time to glance at my greenhouses here's what I found: 

There's the little greenhouse 

And the big one 

I've been so busy working that I haven't even had a chance to cheak on my greenhouses! Some of those peppers are DEF dead! So time to start planning for planting and seeing what I can and can't do with them there we will see how it goes there 

As such I also have to hope everyone survives outside (the ones I want to rather) if not my mom has said she WILL buy new strawberries now come season she will deny it no doubt because that's what she does! 

On the plus side it looks like the bay dragonfruit and aloe are all still alive so something should survive atleast (oh and my garlic chives too lol!) 

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