Monday, March 31, 2014

More seeds and another experiment

So I'm in the process of planting more seeds to "cover" in a way for some of the seedlings I lost from my injury I'll list them later 

I've also heard of "asprin water" for plants however google is very general "3 asprin per 4 gallons of water" ok so what dosage are those 3? Are they 325 mg? Or are they 80 mg? So I have to figure it out "somehow" so I'll be experimenting with that however my asprin is coated 

I do plan on testing some with some germinating seeds 3 groups 1 control 1 fert water stuff that I'm using right now and 1 with the asprin water I plan on doing atleast 3 varieties of stuff for a baseline and hopefully a good sample size

Ok so no pics today because the phone (4s) was low and dying on me and I plan on more/better tomorrow/when I do more seeds 

Ok so sofar I've planted: 
Acai (semi old seeds that I'm trying to get going and have been trying to get going) 
Unknown tomato (was in with basil) 
Grandpa Gary's dwarf green tomato (have heard this is a good indoor producer and intend to try it as such) 
Apple pepper 
Greek oregano 
Money plant 
Birdhouse gourd (I actually should have grown this last year for rusty spade blog/site but didn't so I'm trying this year in containers) 
Fine leaf dwarf bush basil 
Double peony poppy 
Chinese lantern 
Chabaud carnation 
Ylang-ylang (older that I think it's past time to grow!) 
Juniper (cedar) (looked like they all may have been growing so doing all) 
Early Alaska pea 
Bulgarian carrot pepper 
Lemon cucumber * 
Sugar apple 
Honey mesquite tree 
Mesquite tree 
Luffa (older seeds) 
Rain Lilly (seemed most are dead) 
Stargazer Lilly (something seemed odd) 

The cucumber allready has start on germ tails! Those were put in last night! 

We'll have fun guys and enjoy hopefully I'll be back *very* soon! 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Some good pics

Can you tell I'm eager for the season to start? Cheated on everyone today and it seems there doing really well! Because the 4s battery was stupid low I grabbed the i5 again I personally am thinking it takes better pictures --so on to the pics? My terrible handwrighting is clearly featured I think lol 

I'm not certain what this tomato is I'm guessing coyote (had it marked to something that wasn't a tomato lol) but because the stem broke I'm not certain if this will survive but it's buryied deep enough it should 

Or maby that was just a coyote that broke and this was the mismarked? Eighter way neighter is marked anymore lol so we will see how they do given time 

So that's everyone on there own I think there looking great! There all defo "surviviors" given what they've been thru this year! 

Lower closer to light 

And higher further away 

Now I wasn't worried about leggy tomatoes because my plan the whole time was to bury them as you see which makes more roots and better stronger plants 

With that many pictures is it any wonder I had to reboot the i5 2 times to get the pictures to text via iMessage over on my 4s? 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Replants and tags!

So I had an interview toga I really hope it goes well I'm gonna apply a couple more places for giggles because lol I can before that I did some work with my greenhouses 

Namely that was replanting my 2 sunberry plants 

I even think I see some good news! 

And that was everyone before I left 

Then I got most everyone in larger containers after I got home but my battery died so I stole my moms iPhone 5 (in fairness I told her I was taking it to get pics) so if the next bunch seen really different that's why 

That's the fruit trees I wintersewed last year I still have no clue what they are 

And I may end up with indoor beans somehow lol hopefully we can get a couple 

Also I saw the perfect trellis stick that came off our ash now I wanna grow something that climbs simply to make use of it! 

So how do the i5 pics look? I do plan on getting a 5s unless I fall in love with 6 then that lol 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

First replant!

Ok so this was taken/done yesterday 

I got my first thing replanted! The blue cup that's a fireball tomato I have many many more that I need to replant and nearly as many to re-start as we'll (or just buy which for some is a plan) 

I do have some good news as we'll I happen to have 4 of the 10 I had left and growing from the recession gold experiment along with a bunch of assorted peppers in the big greenhouse a bunch of coyote tomatoes as we'll so I think those will be in a couple planters this year 

I have no herbs I'll be buying all of those and I'll be buying a lot of my tomatoes and peppers I may even buy more tomatillos too they grew so well last year that I wanna do them again this year 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Tech update

First off guys get a phone SAVE at minimum the receipt box too if you can! It will save you a LOT of hassle! Even if they say they can look it up THEY CANT! 

Long story short we got my ring at target no reciept no box they were useless virgin was as useless and samsung not only didn't have a warranty on screens (no full warranty?!) but for a 150 buck phone (that I baught at 50!) they wanted 102 to fix it so they were useless as we'll mind you this was all for a phone is had under 30 days -- commence: brick mode! 

Samsung and virgin have both lost me in future purchases because of this! 

What we ended up doing was putting me back on moms contract with att with my att iPhone (most of the posts on here are made with it!) we have hopefully a better plan then before and we know I'm a data hog as we'll so should "work out" (I admit to being a data hog) 

So I now have a Kyocera droid toy with 10 bucks on the droid store lol a 150 buck brick and a phone on the carrier and stuff I was trying to get away from lol but it's kinda working in a way or appears to be atleast 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Yet another update

Ok so my sutures came out last Friday and I go back tomorrow --the sutures hurt more then I expected them to! But I can "walk" now even if it's with the boot that bugs me lol 

So hopefully I'll be fine and back to work in no time I defo can't wait to get back to work! I miss it! 

I also got a look at my seedlings didn't water tho I think some need it 

I've lost a couple more which is to be expected considering but it "appears" most are doing well! 

Also yesterday while we were out my samsung galaxy ring had it's screen shatter so more then ever I want to get back to iOS and I have to figure what I can do with this att phone for plans and such that I can afford 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Seedling update FINALLY!

Ok do the few that survived I think im gonna call survivior as they eent thru such insanity!

Surviviors include:
Recession gold experiment
3 apple pepper
1 sweet datil (?)
1 carnation
1 fooled ja
1 hot cherry bomb pepper
2 sunberry (tom)
1 fireball (tom)
6 coyote (tom)
And possibly a single german chamomille plant!

Ill admit thats more then I thought of the seedlings would survive! I honestly thought they would be a total loss!

Oh so this will be a pain huh? Ok lol im posting this from my new droid a samdung galaxy ring its ish lol could be better or worse lol looks all pics will be added at the end do if quedtions please ask

Also this upcoming friday im expecting my sutures to come out which will be about freaking time! Maby a week or so later ill be at work back making money? Ill NEED it! Like BADLY! Lol

So more pics to get added if yalk like I may keep using this phone but atm iphone still seems to work better